Hello! ♫ ♪
Finally got fed up with my not long not short fringe and having to peek through my "curtain of fringe" to see so i chopped off my fringe and finally some unblocked view!
hahahah i realize everytime i try growing out my fringe, i'm just waiting for myself to get fed up then chop it off and feel so much better lol! So retarded.

Think short fringe suits me more anyway, you think? ❀
I feel like i just went back to how i look when i was in Secondary 2 lol i had like long permed hair and short fringe then. OMG
Hahah, so the other day i was invited to this SKII event and i was looking for a friend to accompany me and i asked Grace out for our "first date ♡"! Hahahaha it's super random cos we've never met before and i just DM her on twitter and asked her out cos i thought she's super cute lol.

Got to know of her through Nicholas, since i first met him he keeps telling me that Grace and i look super alike and all, oh btw she has a awesome beauty youtube channel, go check it out!
PS: Lol leon read this blogpost and said we really do look like sisters hahahaha
★ http://www.youtube.com/user/GraciousGlamours
LOL SHE'S SO CUTE AND ANIMATED SRSLY! It's like going out with a doll! Should've made her snap an outfit of the day photo, so love her Dr Marten heels mad cute.
Ok so we went to the SKII event lol they gave us a bottle of SKII treatment essence, haven't tried the "miracle water" cos last year i went to hk and i bought two big bottles of them and forgotten to check it in with my luggage and it got confiscated at the customs. They're so mean didn't even let me mail it back or whatever wtf i bet they just confiscate it and take it to use themselves argh!
Ok so anyway i've been using it for two day and i don't know if it's my own imagination or what (LOL) but i've been having these annoying little red bumps and stuff for months and they simply refuse to go away (leon calls them "illegal immigrants" hahahaha!).
Ok so i've been using it for 2 days and some of the bumps just kinda flatten and disappeared?! like POOF! WTF omg cross all 10 of my fingers and hope nothing bad happens and my skin gets better! I feel that my annoying open pores are tighter too. Tell me i'm not crazy and that this is real! LOL! But 2 days is a little crazy isn't it?
So we went to pick Nicholas from Holiday Inn, he's working at Cleo as a designer (how cool is that!) he always whatsapp me photos of beauty products and ask me if the products is some good shit or what lol
Lol so funny cos Grace and I we're pretty much street idiots. Grace told me she threw out her gps out of the window cos it's a little nutty hahahahah wtf who does that so cute. So i followed my GPS and she drove and followed me, but as usual my annoying gps had to bring us to the wrong direction and we had to made so many weird turns. -.-
Finally picked Nic and headed to Barracks @ House Dempsey for dinner! Staaaaaaarving nom nom nom nom
Nic took forever to decide what to have and leave us poor girls starving.

Camwhored while we wait for our foooooood to be served!

Squid ink paella, ahi taki skinny pizza and american sliders with extra truffle fries!

Nic keeps looking at us the entire night and laughing to himself cos he thinks it's very funny to be out with us two and he feels that we look so alike.
So Grace & I were scheming on how to cut nutty nic's head out of the pic for instagram!
LOL! the crazy dude was using our cameras to anyhow snap pic of us and terrorizing us with our camera all night. Like point my camera len right in my face etc. WTF?
OMG! And Grace got me a ♡ ♡ ♡ L.O.V.E package ♡ ♡ ♡

So sweet of her or what?! She's a fan of rila too! Hahahaha She calls rila kukumama, why so kuku! hahahah Super touched! She remembered that i love One Piece's Chopper too!
PS: Sorry guys, i'm so excited so every sentence of mine ends with !!!!!!!! But i'm really blogging out my emotions yo.
To be exact i was totally SQUEALING as i was unboxing her lovely prezzie during dinner. SQUEALING! Luckily barracks wasn't too packed and not many people were present to peek at my crazy moments hahaha

OMIGOSH Chopper iphone screen protector, rila hair brush (HAHAHA EVEN MY MOM SQUEALED WHEN I SHOWED HER THE HAIRBRUSH), rila nail file, rila tweezer, rila cosmetic pouch, our favorite jagabee and a bunch of strawberry cake kitkats and caramel candies!
Now whenever i brush my hair with the rila hair brush and apply my falsies with the rila tweezer i giggle like a little girl cos they are so cute! Thanks Grace! ♡

Then Nic gave hello kitty facial mask that he took out from his Doremon workbag. Hahahaha it's the Fidel feel so loved day!
Went to The Prime Society to have drinks, took like crazy pics and ended the night early cos we were all so sleeeeeeeeepy.
★ Have a great weekend ahead! Will close the giveaway by sunday 1 April and announce on my blog so faster go join/comment/find out the bonus way to win the giveaway. (:
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
I've blogged about taking some dance & fitness lessons at Mosaic Dance School previously..
(Click LINK if you've not read my awesome experience with them!)
I realize i'm more of a Salsa person after trying out most of the dance classes, i've tried out beginner classes for West coast swing, Zouk & Salsa! Most of the time i went without a partner anyway, haha it's really fun cos it's all social dances and you get to make friends and all during class so no need to scared shy!
I especially LOVE the zumcardio class, it's pretty much like an hour session of choreograph dance + cardio and it's SO SO SO much fun. Our instructor Ange, she's the best! Super love her. ♡
She's mad funny and she always make the hour session so interesting and half the time i'm like laughing and trying my best to catch my breath from laughing too much! It's great cos i hate to go running alone, it's just soooooo.. boring.
I'd rather have a fun one hour session of Zumcardio at Mosaic Dance school any day than to go running. Makes me feel so healthy just to dance it out for an hour once a week. ♫♪
I know people have been commenting and asking me how much is the membership for Mosaic Dance and all and i just wanted to do a shout-out that Mosaic Dance is having a great deal over at...

eVoucherCity helps you find the daily deals and huge discounts in Singapore on where you can eat, play, enjoy more exciting activities to spice up your life!
70% off. Only $30 instead of $98 for 2 weeks of unlimited dance & fitness classes at Mosaic Dance

Come join me for dance and fitness classes at Mosaic, 2 weeks of unlimited classes for only $30 is a SUPER GOOD DEAL luh!
57% off. only $17.50 instead of s$41 for classic gellish Manicure + 2 nail art at Thistlebelle Nails

A couple weeks back, Min & I bought a gellish deal by Thistlebelle nails - Junying's nail salon!
Super great deal or what?! Only $17.50 for classic gellish manicure!!
hahaha min & I went for our " girly gellish nail date ♡ " to use our eVouchers last week, easy peasy just had to email Junying to set up our appointment and give our eVoucher number and we were set!

Look at some of her previous nail arts, omg next time when my nails is longer i'm gonna request for a rilakkuma design! hahaha Junying is super talented & awesome.
During the whole time Min & I were there we had so much fun chit-chatting all the way, girly time!

Outfit of the day!
- Rosette dress from bangkok
- Black/Gold belt from Hong kong
- Knee Length stockings from Topshop
- Earrings and ring from F21

Love at my pretty gellish nails! My nails so short she also can make until so cute ♡
So sad that the deal is over! Go subscribe to eVoucherCity's mailing list so you don't miss such awesome deals the next time!
★ Some of the upcoming deals on eVoucherCity that I'm SO excited about! My car last servicing was like last June omg, gonna grab this car servicing deal at Motor Clinic when it's up!
31% off. Only $88 instead of $128 for Car Servicing with 25-point checks + M7 High Response oil change + Oil filter change at Motor Clinic

79% off. Only $78 instead of $368 for 60-Minute Facial Treatment Choose from Firming Collagen Facial or Hydrating Facial or Special Link Pores Facial + Eye Treatment + Eye Hot Mask + Neck Treatment + Neck Mask at Face Bistro

And i heard that there's even gonna be a Salvatore Ferregamo Incanto Charms deal coming up soon too at 45-50% off the usual price!

Incanto charms is like my FAVOURITE perfume of all time. I've been using it since i was in secondary school, it's gotta be my signature scent. Love it cos it smells so flirty, floral, sweet but a little naughty! :D
Think i'm gonna stock up and get one 30ml bottle & one 100ml bottle when this deal comes up! One to put at home and one for the handbag/travel. ♡
Remember to subscribe to eVoucherCity to receive updates whenever a new awesome deal comes up! You won't want to miss it. ☺
Like and share about eVoucherCity on your fb page to share the good deals with your friends too! http://www.facebook.com/eVoucherCity

♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates lately, have been really hectic with work etc so many stuff to blog about, my Taiwan & Australia Travelogues, Titanic exhibition, some new Makan Hunts, Ganbanyoku spa experience @ Anti-Oxidant Centre and today I just went to Sentosa Megazip and it was REALLY FUN! ♫♪
Although half the fun is really laughing at the guys cos they are generally afraid of heights and they were whining on and on about how they're legs went jelly when they look down from the obstacle courses from the 5th level lol! And i got to experience a little of rock climbing (my first time!) but we're going rock climbing with Min & Dwayne next month, can't waaaaaait. :D
Have you guys watch the Hunger Games yet? Everybody keeps telling me it's super freaking awesome but i'm so afraid i might be disappointed because i LOVE the book. Absolutely loved the Hunger Games series, and you know how novel adapted movies usually sucks. Gonna re-read the book tonight and i wanna go catch it this few days!
Yay, haven't done a giveaway for the longest time, thank YOU my awesome readers who stick around here, and on my Twitter & instagram as well. All your sweet comments makes me wanna continue blogging and talking about general crap around here. Heh

I'll be giving this supe rsweet set of cosmetics:
- Ettusais Sweet Marble Blush - It's LE so i don't think you can find this anymore
- Beautilicious Toffee Apple Lipgloss - ♡ the packaging so pretty with the charms
- Shiseido Luminizing Satin Eye color in SV817 - a cool shimmery shade that you can use in the inner eye corner to brighten and enlarge your eyes!
◤ To win this giveaway, comment below or at my tagboard, tell me where is your dream vacation and what do you wanna see/visit when you're there!
Remember to enter your email so i can contact you ok! (:
★ BONUS WAY TO WIN THE GIVEAWAY - It'll be awesome if you could subcribe to eVoucherCity http://www.evouchercity.com.sg/singapore by entering your email address at the top right corner, to get the latest deals on the fun things to play/do/eat in Singapore!
Giveaway closed! Used random.org and picked my winner - angela_89_25@hotmail.com!
Congrats sweetie, have emailed you and thanks all of you who join my giveaway and there's more to come soon. :D
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
You know why guys are attracted to girls? Other than the obvious reasons like character, how you carry yourself.. I think sometimes it's because we girls are conscious enough to make sure we smell good, know how to take care of ourselves and our looks, constantly trying different skincare to find the perfect one to give us perfect glowy skin..
When i tell you we're conscious about how we smell, I'm really not kidding, you can read my past entry about my Favorite list of Perfumes, i have SO many perfumes I'm not even sure when i can finish using them hahaha..
And there's another part of us we girls have to take extra care to clean and get rid of any sort of weird odour from... it is well, our feminine "girly parts".

Yep! now you know where this entry is going eh? Lol love the "DAFAQ!" expression on Leon's kitty, it's hilarious!
So I only started using feminine wash such as Lactacyd in my poly days after i found out in some magazine article that regular body wash is not good for cleansing of your "girly parts" because which body wash are alkaline in nature, it strips away the natural
acidic protective layer of the V-zone. Sometimes, they even remove the natural
oils from the sensitive external vaginal area, causing dryness and irritation.
Just like how you would use a facial foam for your face instead of using body wash on your face because the PH levels is different and your face needs a different cleanser, it's the same logic.
You need a special feminine wash because it maintains the delicate PH balance of your "girly parts". Lactacdy Feminine Wash has lactic acid and lactoserum which promotes the growth of good bacteria which protect your "girly parts" from getting infections like UTI or Yeast Infections.
Natural cow milk extracts moisturize and hydrates your "girly parts" and it's hypoallergenic which means ladies of all skin types can use this product!

I received a huge gym bag filled to the brim with Lactacyd products, yay it came with 3 bottles of Lactacyd Feminine Wash and, two travel pack feminine wipes.

Came with an extra pump for more convenience!
Keeping my girly parts clean and fresh during my period is a MUST, during that time of the month, I already feel crappy enough with all the cramps and PMS going on, i definitely cannot handle feeling extra eeeeky and gross at my girly parts. Nah uh, not gonna happen.
I use tampons frequently because i can't stand having that blood flowing out of vjj feeling (LOL it totally irks me, hahaha maybe you too since you're reading this now :x ) so keeping clean and fresh with a good feminine wash is VERY important to prevent any bacteria growth from wearing tampons and all.

And I will always carry these travel pack feminine wipes, BEST INVENTION EVER seriously.These are different from normal wet wipes that you use to wipe everything from your kopitiam table during lunch to your sweaty feet after your 4km run around the block.
Why? Because the formula in the Lactacyd Feminine Wipes is milder and more suitable for our sensitive girly parts to maintain the right PH level thus preventing bacteria growth, infections etc!

Hey Pussy, What? You said you wanna use lactacyd too? Sure!

Register for your FREE Lactacyd sample kit at Lactacyd Facebook page (Color code app) via this link:
https://www.facebook.com/vzonecare.lactacydsg/app_212474972177583 and play the Color code app to win exciting prizes from Hada Labo, Sloggi, SANA & more!

♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
Our 3rd day in Taiwan! Click Travelogue on the above navigation tab to read Day 1 & 2.
After pigging out at the night markets the night before and passing out in a food coma, we woke up at about 5.30am the next morning to prepare and do some last minute packing before checking out at 6am!

◤ Outfit of the day and FOTD, hahaha not really FOTD anyway cos everyday my makeup there is exactly the same, oh that reminds me i have not done the post about what makeup i brought and how i packed them for travel. Soon soon! :D
So why are we up so early in Taipei and dragging our luggages on the streets at 6am in the morning?
We were gonna head out of Taipei to... 清境, Cing Jing! So exciting, Road trip baby! ♫ ♪
Intially i was considering hiring a taxi driver to go to 清境 from taipei but it was pretty costly and not worth it for 2 pax, so i found an much much much cheaper alternative!
Took the MRT from 西门町 to 台北车站/Taipei main station so we can take the E-go bus that goes to Cing Jing to & fro daily, for only NT$750 per pax - it's about 2-3 times cheaper than hiring a cab btw. We took the One-Way trip because we'll be traveling from Cing Jing to another minsu in lu shan the next day, then to Sun moon lake the day after.

18degree in the morning at Taipei Main Station while we were waiting for the E-Go bus! Leon bought sandwiches for us to eat when we're on the bus, their 7-11 sandwiches are SUPER delicious btw, unlike the crappy sandwich we get at our 7-11.
Sniff sniff. I can never look at a singapore 7-11 sandwich the same way anymore after i had the ones in tw! Singapore 7-11 sandwich, You suck! *turn nose away* hahaha
hehe bought hello kitty facial foam from their 7-11 too, it's by the brand Sexylook, ok product, the foam smells like strawberry! hehe cute leon complained that its too drying but i guess its ok for me because i have oily skin so i didnt exactly feel that "tightness" or whatever.
◤ Thinking of heading to Cing Jing too?
here's the pricelist for round trip (Taipei-Cing Jing-Taipei)
✉ : http://www.e-go.com.tw/web2010/cht/tourbus_1.php#p1
You can email winni@e-go.com.tw or christina@e-go.com.tw to book your seats on the E-Go bus, just let them know your date of travel, number of people taking the bus etc.

Road trip troad trip! Watched Fringe on his tablet, i blogged on my ipad, hahah then toilet break at PuLi, then he slept all the way to Cing Jing. zZz! What a piggie! The entire trip was from about 730am - 12pm?
Initially just the thought that we have to take the E-Go bus from taipei to cing jing made me feel really tired cos i thought it'll be very troublesome etc but infact it was a pretty comfortable ride all the way, just pop your luggage at the luggage storage area no trouble about luggages at all, there were stopover for toilet breaks etc as well, plus the seats are pretty comfy.
But I had pretty bad motion sickness, well i'm just prone to that, haha but that was only at the last 30mins when we were turning and turning, going up the mountain roads, silly me packed in motion sickness meds specially for the road trips but i totally forgot to take it plus it was in the luggage so i didnt wanna go get it anyway. So if you're prone to motion sickness like me, be warned and remember to take your motion pills!
But overall i thought it was pretty comfy and i'm happy because we prolly saved NT2000-3000 from not hiring a cab to travel from taipei all the way to Cing Jing by taking the E-Go bus.
No need to worry about not knowing where to alight, when you board the bus, you can making booking now via email then make payment only when you're on the bus, let them know your minsu's address so they can advise where they can drop you off to get to your minsu. (:
◤ Accomodation in 清境
So as i mentioned previously on my Taipei Day 01 post, i always budget my accomodation in taiwan to be about NT1500-1800, about SGD65 - 80
Thought i'd share some of the other minsu i have shortlisted before i picked the one i stayed at, 清境春大地 Spring Ground http://springground.cingjing.tw/
Took the 精緻二人房 at 清境春大地, called them to make reservation, very quickly and swift process, told the reception i want the 精緻二人房 on the date i'm traveling there and he said ok will book the room for me and we can just call him to confirm our stay when we reach Taiwan and we can make full payment right at the minsu.
We paid NT1800/night for this minsu, pretty cheap already considering the minsu at cing jing are all pretty costly as compared to any part of tw la.

Very cozy and comfortable room! Hahahah, leon said he felt that in most of the inn/minsu we stayed at he felt like he was in Japan or something. Maybe it's the warm hospitality of the taiwanese, or simply the woody accents of the room that makes him feel that way.

Lol, i'm being a peeking tom muahahaha, nut job of a guy said he was feeling chubs from all the sinful pigging out in taipei so he started doing pumping while i was still exploring the room hahahaha.. ok la macho guy ok macho guy! :/
Oh btw, just look at this killer view at our room balcony.

Definitely one of the most beautiful places i've been.. with the cherry blossoms and all. So gorgeous!

▸清境春大地 Spring Ground 民宿
地址: 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村壽亭巷20-1號
☎ +886492801000
Just realized that SunnyDale, one of the minsu that was in my list for consideration is just beside our minsu haha.

There was a sitting area for people to just sit down, have a hot cuppa tea and simply enjoy the view and chat away with your other half, friends, family.

Our minsu is also near the most expensive minsu in Cing Jing, which is the Old England Manor, heard that the cheapest rates a night is NT16'000 or so, it's really beautiful and they open out for public only during lunch/tea time i think, however there is a min. spending of NT400 per person to get in to explore the place. Didn't go because we didn't have time, wanted to explore around our minsu first!

❀ Loving this place!

Hahaha, leon is nuts, he took these awesome shots and then he pouts and tells me that he suck so much as a photographer, it's crazy the photos are all super nice. All the photos are either taken by him or me obviously hahah.

Going for a nice afternoon walk!

Top left photo, that's part of the Old England Manor so so so cool, i've seen pictures and the interior is GORGEOUS! Cherry Blossoms petal were littered all over the grass patches but it's such a beautiful mess! ❀❀❀

My first time seeing cherry blossoms, what's not to love about happy looking pink trees? ♡♡♡

♡ I'm ever so lucky to be in this beautiful place. The right place, at the right time, with the right person.

While taking a stroll around our minsu we saw this little house, lots of woody stuff in shapes of animals painted in lavender!

Everything was normal and cute until we saw this...

Hahahahah EPIC OR WHAT!
I'm starting to think it's me.. i'm always seeing weird stuff like these, zebra with it's junk all steamed up at the zoo, kangaroos humping, frogs humping.. er not wood animal figurines humping. Nooooooo, i don't want this to become a pattern! Haahaha horrible eyes, next time i got sore eyes you know why. LOL

I didn't know that there were many "breeds" of cherry blossoms, so interesting!
◤ Outfit of the day
Long sleeve thermal top from Forever21.com
Furry hoodie outerwear from hong kong
Red skirt, taiwan spree from years ago
Fake knee length stockings from taipei XMD
Black booties from taipei XMD
Went back to our minsu, it was a really really really nice minsu, thank god for all the awesome photos we took! So beautiful so we have to capture part of this beauty so we can always take a look once in a while to appreciate the wonders of the world.
Talked to the reception and he arranged a taxi driver for us to get to 青青草原, it's a must go when you're at 清境. The trip there was about TWD$300, Entrance tickets to 青青草原 is TWD160 on normal days and TWD200 on holidays/weekends.
Sometimes your minsu might sell the tickets at a 优惠价 so do enquire with them beforehand!
✉ http://www.cingjing.gov.tw/


BAAAAAA~ Hahaha they are SO cute!
Whenever they hear the rustle of the paperbag used to hold the sheep feed, they practically go BAAAAAA and RUN to you. That's something that i did not expect haha

SOOOO kawaii ♡♡♡ the way they pop their head out begging for nom nom! I got totally freaked out thou, i thought it'll be like feeding kangaroos like, kangaroos would use their lips to grab the food up or something, but sheeps they stick those huge tongues out and lips yo' palms man! I ended up shrieking and running away from the sheeps like a coward.
hhahahaha So that explains why leon was doing most of the feeding and i'm snapping away with the camera, hahahah but it's so fun to pat them lol puffy wwwwwooolly!

Hehehe, got to the area where they were selling some 小吃 and we bought ice cream! - made from cow's milk and sheep milk! hahah basically taste like frozen milk didn't have any weird taste so it was pretty fun having ice cream in such cool weather!

Even dustbins have to be so cute in 台湾。杀了我吧! Everything's too cute around here. haha
Enjoying a nice day, the clouds feels so near like it's reachable with our bare hands. Pretty!

Cute sheep walked up to leon and demanded for some nom nom since he was happily eating ice cream that is prolly made out of this sheep's milk! Muahahaha

Then while he was happily nomming and shaking his chubby ass.. i noticed something freaking.. EPIC!!!!!!

woooohooooo! This is what i call, Input, Output. Hahahah It's prolly not too clear from here so just let me zoom in a little more..



Hello horsie! There was suppose to be the 清境綿羊秀 but i didn't know it's only on weekends and holidays so we missed it boooo.

hahahah saw this lady she had a bag of food and a bunch of sheeps just RAN towards her like she's a lighted up sign that said YO IM FOOD COME HERE SHEEPIE! 0.0
All sorts of sheeps- white sheep, brown sheep, reggae gangster sheep all RAN to her, lol until a point of time there were too many and she was totally freaking out and throwing the nom nom all over like she just shove the food all over on the floor on the sheep's face etc also nvr aim properly
hahaha the sheeps must be like, shit pissed at her. hahaha must be thinking like "YO BITCH YA GOT NOM NOM ALL OVER MY FACE WHAT'DAYA THINK YA GOING YO!"

Took the 499-steps stairs! Hahaha only took a photo of when i was at 450 and 1 step.
Such a nice place, this is what i really call a laidback vacation, not worrying where i have to rush to see at the next attraction, taking our time and taking nice long strolls all day in such awesome weather.

Honey museum and carton king, nothing much but there's a cafe and all so you can have lunch around there, didn't go to 小瑞士花園 small swiss garden because we were a little tired from all the walking, hehe singaporeans, not used to walking so much since we perpire like mad from walking around in singapore. tsk tsk.
I remembered when i was in Aussie i walked around SO MUCH that my legs were so toned. hahaha back to singapore, chub legs again lol
Went back to our minsu and leon fell asleep and i watched One Piece on my ipad and when i turned to our balcony this was what i saw:

Missed the sunset! Just barely caught the end of it haha

Had mini 刷刷锅 shabu shabu at our minsu, so nice! The taiwanese at the table beside us were complaining that the soup base is too salty but we thought that it was yummy and just right! I think we singaporeans are too used to having really flavorful food so we're ok with anything!

Hahahah, at midnight leon grumbled and said that he was hungry so i told him to use googlemaps to find the nearest 7-11, put on my thick leggings, sweater and scarf and we went out for a mini adventure to hunt for fooooood! Hahahah, to him walking to the nearest 7-11 like 200-300 metres away from our minsu at midnight IS an adventure.
Like after we walked out of our minsu and he saw how dark and misty it was he was like, huh darling sure or not let's not go la..
He's like, so worried and too fearful of everything! I guess it's kinda cute and endearing in a way but it annoys me cos he is so extreme like he gets in such a serious and nutty mood when it should be something relaxing and fun hahaha midnight stroll on the mountains!
He was like worried that cars might hit us cos we were walking along the road, no passenger path plus it was very misty like we can hardly see ahead of us but come on' cars also got sound one right. Just stand by the roadside and let the car pass if there happens to be any car la!
Eh anyway he's very worried and uptight about everything hahaha, scared kena bang, scared lose our way, scared kena rape by some mountain caveman lol long list of worries. So he forced me to me walk super fast which got me really mad cos it's upslope, it's so cold and the air is so "thin" up there it's hard to breath, so i was freezing and totally breathless and he's dragging me upslope like a crazy person.
Muahaha finally got to 7-11, yes we didn't die did we leon! Hahaha silly boy and we got our nom noms! So lucky we bumped into our minsu reception guy he was just on his way home so he gave us a lift back to the minsu with his car, so happy cos i don't have to see nutty uptight leon again on the way back down to the minsu. Hahaha the guy had this really cute and shy daschund btw, so so cute!

Top right picture was the view of our balcony in the morning when we woke up to go have our breakfast at the cafe, so misty and beautiful! bottom left picture was when the mist cleared up a little by mid morning.
Gorgeous flower patch just beside our breakfast area, awesome way to start the day! (:

WOOHOO! Leon busy packing our luggage, for me packing luggage = dump everything important and i can't afford to lose in the luggage, close luggage and I'm like : IKIMASHOU!!! LET'S GO BABY!!! ♫ ♪
Hahahah he goes nuts when i do that so he made me fold my clothes and pack properly.. YES MUMMMMMM! Lol it's not like i'm a slob or anything but i'm on a holiday! i'll pack when i get home! hahaha anyway, we're going to another minsu this morning and it's another pretty place! Wait for my Day04 post! ☺
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
Our 3rd day in Taiwan! Click Travelogue on the above navigation tab to read Day 1 & 2.
After pigging out at the night markets the night before and passing out in a food coma, we woke up at about 5.30am the next morning to prepare and do some last minute packing before checking out at 6am!

◤ Outfit of the day and FOTD, hahaha not really FOTD anyway cos everyday my makeup there is exactly the same, oh that reminds me i have not done the post about what makeup i brought and how i packed them for travel. Soon soon! :D
So why are we up so early in Taipei and dragging our luggages on the streets at 6am in the morning?
We were gonna head out of Taipei to... 清境, Cing Jing! So exciting, Road trip baby! ♫ ♪
Intially i was considering hiring a taxi driver to go to 清境 from taipei but it was pretty costly and not worth it for 2 pax, so i found an much much much cheaper alternative!
Took the MRT from 西门町 to 台北车站/Taipei main station so we can take the E-go bus that goes to Cing Jing to & fro daily, for only NT$750 per pax - it's about 2-3 times cheaper than hiring a cab btw. We took the One-Way trip because we'll be traveling from Cing Jing to another minsu in lu shan the next day, then to Sun moon lake the day after.

18degree in the morning at Taipei Main Station while we were waiting for the E-Go bus! Leon bought sandwiches for us to eat when we're on the bus, their 7-11 sandwiches are SUPER delicious btw, unlike the crappy sandwich we get at our 7-11.
Sniff sniff. I can never look at a singapore 7-11 sandwich the same way anymore after i had the ones in tw! Singapore 7-11 sandwich, You suck! *turn nose away* hahaha
hehe bought hello kitty facial foam from their 7-11 too, it's by the brand Sexylook, ok product, the foam smells like strawberry! hehe cute leon complained that its too drying but i guess its ok for me because i have oily skin so i didnt exactly feel that "tightness" or whatever.
◤ Thinking of heading to Cing Jing too?
here's the pricelist for round trip (Taipei-Cing Jing-Taipei)
✉ : http://www.e-go.com.tw/web2010/cht/tourbus_1.php#p1
You can email winni@e-go.com.tw or christina@e-go.com.tw to book your seats on the E-Go bus, just let them know your date of travel, number of people taking the bus etc.

Road trip troad trip! Watched Fringe on his tablet, i blogged on my ipad, hahah then toilet break at PuLi, then he slept all the way to Cing Jing. zZz! What a piggie! The entire trip was from about 730am - 12pm?
Initially just the thought that we have to take the E-Go bus from taipei to cing jing made me feel really tired cos i thought it'll be very troublesome etc but infact it was a pretty comfortable ride all the way, just pop your luggage at the luggage storage area no trouble about luggages at all, there were stopover for toilet breaks etc as well, plus the seats are pretty comfy.
But I had pretty bad motion sickness, well i'm just prone to that, haha but that was only at the last 30mins when we were turning and turning, going up the mountain roads, silly me packed in motion sickness meds specially for the road trips but i totally forgot to take it plus it was in the luggage so i didnt wanna go get it anyway. So if you're prone to motion sickness like me, be warned and remember to take your motion pills!
But overall i thought it was pretty comfy and i'm happy because we prolly saved NT2000-3000 from not hiring a cab to travel from taipei all the way to Cing Jing by taking the E-Go bus.
No need to worry about not knowing where to alight, when you board the bus, you can making booking now via email then make payment only when you're on the bus, let them know your minsu's address so they can advise where they can drop you off to get to your minsu. (:
◤ Accomodation in 清境
So as i mentioned previously on my Taipei Day 01 post, i always budget my accomodation in taiwan to be about NT1500-1800, about SGD65 - 80
Thought i'd share some of the other minsu i have shortlisted before i picked the one i stayed at, 清境春大地 Spring Ground http://springground.cingjing.tw/
Took the 精緻二人房 at 清境春大地, called them to make reservation, very quickly and swift process, told the reception i want the 精緻二人房 on the date i'm traveling there and he said ok will book the room for me and we can just call him to confirm our stay when we reach Taiwan and we can make full payment right at the minsu.
We paid NT1800/night for this minsu, pretty cheap already considering the minsu at cing jing are all pretty costly as compared to any part of tw la.

Very cozy and comfortable room! Hahahah, leon said he felt that in most of the inn/minsu we stayed at he felt like he was in Japan or something. Maybe it's the warm hospitality of the taiwanese, or simply the woody accents of the room that makes him feel that way.

Lol, i'm being a peeking tom muahahaha, nut job of a guy said he was feeling chubs from all the sinful pigging out in taipei so he started doing pumping while i was still exploring the room hahahaha.. ok la macho guy ok macho guy! :/
Oh btw, just look at this killer view at our room balcony.

Definitely one of the most beautiful places i've been.. with the cherry blossoms and all. So gorgeous!

▸清境春大地 Spring Ground 民宿
地址: 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村壽亭巷20-1號
☎ +886492801000
Just realized that SunnyDale, one of the minsu that was in my list for consideration is just beside our minsu haha.

There was a sitting area for people to just sit down, have a hot cuppa tea and simply enjoy the view and chat away with your other half, friends, family.

Our minsu is also near the most expensive minsu in Cing Jing, which is the Old England Manor, heard that the cheapest rates a night is NT16'000 or so, it's really beautiful and they open out for public only during lunch/tea time i think, however there is a min. spending of NT400 per person to get in to explore the place. Didn't go because we didn't have time, wanted to explore around our minsu first!

❀ Loving this place!

Hahaha, leon is nuts, he took these awesome shots and then he pouts and tells me that he suck so much as a photographer, it's crazy the photos are all super nice. All the photos are either taken by him or me obviously hahah.

Going for a nice afternoon walk!

Top left photo, that's part of the Old England Manor so so so cool, i've seen pictures and the interior is GORGEOUS! Cherry Blossoms petal were littered all over the grass patches but it's such a beautiful mess! ❀❀❀

My first time seeing cherry blossoms, what's not to love about happy looking pink trees? ♡♡♡

♡ I'm ever so lucky to be in this beautiful place. The right place, at the right time, with the right person.

While taking a stroll around our minsu we saw this little house, lots of woody stuff in shapes of animals painted in lavender!

Everything was normal and cute until we saw this...

Hahahahah EPIC OR WHAT!
I'm starting to think it's me.. i'm always seeing weird stuff like these, zebra with it's junk all steamed up at the zoo, kangaroos humping, frogs humping.. er not wood animal figurines humping. Nooooooo, i don't want this to become a pattern! Haahaha horrible eyes, next time i got sore eyes you know why. LOL

I didn't know that there were many "breeds" of cherry blossoms, so interesting!
◤ Outfit of the day
Long sleeve thermal top from Forever21.com
Furry hoodie outerwear from hong kong
Red skirt, taiwan spree from years ago
Fake knee length stockings from taipei XMD
Black booties from taipei XMD
Went back to our minsu, it was a really really really nice minsu, thank god for all the awesome photos we took! So beautiful so we have to capture part of this beauty so we can always take a look once in a while to appreciate the wonders of the world.
Talked to the reception and he arranged a taxi driver for us to get to 青青草原, it's a must go when you're at 清境. The trip there was about TWD$300, Entrance tickets to 青青草原 is TWD160 on normal days and TWD200 on holidays/weekends.
Sometimes your minsu might sell the tickets at a 优惠价 so do enquire with them beforehand!
✉ http://www.cingjing.gov.tw/


BAAAAAA~ Hahaha they are SO cute!
Whenever they hear the rustle of the paperbag used to hold the sheep feed, they practically go BAAAAAA and RUN to you. That's something that i did not expect haha

SOOOO kawaii ♡♡♡ the way they pop their head out begging for nom nom! I got totally freaked out thou, i thought it'll be like feeding kangaroos like, kangaroos would use their lips to grab the food up or something, but sheeps they stick those huge tongues out and lips yo' palms man! I ended up shrieking and running away from the sheeps like a coward.
hhahahaha So that explains why leon was doing most of the feeding and i'm snapping away with the camera, hahahah but it's so fun to pat them lol puffy wwwwwooolly!

Hehehe, got to the area where they were selling some 小吃 and we bought ice cream! - made from cow's milk and sheep milk! hahah basically taste like frozen milk didn't have any weird taste so it was pretty fun having ice cream in such cool weather!

Even dustbins have to be so cute in 台湾。杀了我吧! Everything's too cute around here. haha
Enjoying a nice day, the clouds feels so near like it's reachable with our bare hands. Pretty!

Cute sheep walked up to leon and demanded for some nom nom since he was happily eating ice cream that is prolly made out of this sheep's milk! Muahahaha

Then while he was happily nomming and shaking his chubby ass.. i noticed something freaking.. EPIC!!!!!!

woooohooooo! This is what i call, Input, Output. Hahahah It's prolly not too clear from here so just let me zoom in a little more..



Hello horsie! There was suppose to be the 清境綿羊秀 but i didn't know it's only on weekends and holidays so we missed it boooo.

hahahah saw this lady she had a bag of food and a bunch of sheeps just RAN towards her like she's a lighted up sign that said YO IM FOOD COME HERE SHEEPIE! 0.0
All sorts of sheeps- white sheep, brown sheep, reggae gangster sheep all RAN to her, lol until a point of time there were too many and she was totally freaking out and throwing the nom nom all over like she just shove the food all over on the floor on the sheep's face etc also nvr aim properly
hahaha the sheeps must be like, shit pissed at her. hahaha must be thinking like "YO BITCH YA GOT NOM NOM ALL OVER MY FACE WHAT'DAYA THINK YA GOING YO!"

Took the 499-steps stairs! Hahaha only took a photo of when i was at 450 and 1 step.
Such a nice place, this is what i really call a laidback vacation, not worrying where i have to rush to see at the next attraction, taking our time and taking nice long strolls all day in such awesome weather.

Honey museum and carton king, nothing much but there's a cafe and all so you can have lunch around there, didn't go to 小瑞士花園 small swiss garden because we were a little tired from all the walking, hehe singaporeans, not used to walking so much since we perpire like mad from walking around in singapore. tsk tsk.
I remembered when i was in Aussie i walked around SO MUCH that my legs were so toned. hahaha back to singapore, chub legs again lol
Went back to our minsu and leon fell asleep and i watched One Piece on my ipad and when i turned to our balcony this was what i saw:

Missed the sunset! Just barely caught the end of it haha

Had mini 刷刷锅 shabu shabu at our minsu, so nice! The taiwanese at the table beside us were complaining that the soup base is too salty but we thought that it was yummy and just right! I think we singaporeans are too used to having really flavorful food so we're ok with anything!

Hahahah, at midnight leon grumbled and said that he was hungry so i told him to use googlemaps to find the nearest 7-11, put on my thick leggings, sweater and scarf and we went out for a mini adventure to hunt for fooooood! Hahahah, to him walking to the nearest 7-11 like 200-300 metres away from our minsu at midnight IS an adventure.
Like after we walked out of our minsu and he saw how dark and misty it was he was like, huh darling sure or not let's not go la..
He's like, so worried and too fearful of everything! I guess it's kinda cute and endearing in a way but it annoys me cos he is so extreme like he gets in such a serious and nutty mood when it should be something relaxing and fun hahaha midnight stroll on the mountains!
He was like worried that cars might hit us cos we were walking along the road, no passenger path plus it was very misty like we can hardly see ahead of us but come on' cars also got sound one right. Just stand by the roadside and let the car pass if there happens to be any car la!
Eh anyway he's very worried and uptight about everything hahaha, scared kena bang, scared lose our way, scared kena rape by some mountain caveman lol long list of worries. So he forced me to me walk super fast which got me really mad cos it's upslope, it's so cold and the air is so "thin" up there it's hard to breath, so i was freezing and totally breathless and he's dragging me upslope like a crazy person.
Muahaha finally got to 7-11, yes we didn't die did we leon! Hahaha silly boy and we got our nom noms! So lucky we bumped into our minsu reception guy he was just on his way home so he gave us a lift back to the minsu with his car, so happy cos i don't have to see nutty uptight leon again on the way back down to the minsu. Hahaha the guy had this really cute and shy daschund btw, so so cute!

Top right picture was the view of our balcony in the morning when we woke up to go have our breakfast at the cafe, so misty and beautiful! bottom left picture was when the mist cleared up a little by mid morning.
Gorgeous flower patch just beside our breakfast area, awesome way to start the day! (:

WOOHOO! Leon busy packing our luggage, for me packing luggage = dump everything important and i can't afford to lose in the luggage, close luggage and I'm like : IKIMASHOU!!! LET'S GO BABY!!! ♫ ♪
Hahahah he goes nuts when i do that so he made me fold my clothes and pack properly.. YES MUMMMMMM! Lol it's not like i'm a slob or anything but i'm on a holiday! i'll pack when i get home! hahaha anyway, we're going to another minsu this morning and it's another pretty place! Wait for my Day04 post! ☺
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.